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Kevin M

I think the TSM material is really good for some game.
But: as they say in the material, it doesn’t help with real relationship stuff.

I really like the GFAS for dating skills. I really like the 3 ladders.
So it seems like you have passed impression and now are in inspection (step 2) (for her). You seem in love (step 4)
In the second column, she is engaged (beginning of step 2), and you are chasing (step 3).
In the third column, you are both in step 2 I guess.

I like the concept “push sexuality until she is ready for sex” this was really good advice. You don’t need to think about your advances if you take this approach, because there is no set time that it has to happen, and simultaneously you will take opportunities naturally to advance things without thinking (from the material). This would be for the checkpoints, which you are asking about.

This means you need to slow it down on the first few columns (obsession story and investment ladder) and match her, and you can do this by loving yourself and your life more.

None of this matters if she is not the right woman for you. I like some of the Tony Robbins teachings for selecting the right mate, seems like common sense, and I would point you there to spend some time on that question.

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